

To set up an AntInstall there are a few requirements.


This part of the guide is the reference manual for the configuration of antinstall-config.xml. The config file is an XML file that describes the pages to display to the user, and the input the user must enter.
A simple example might be a License page to show the license of the software, followed by a page asking the user for their name and email. The next page would allow the user to choose the components to install (binaries, source, documentation) and the progress page with an install button to perform the installation.

The config file must always have a root element installer with some requried attributes as follows.

name="Test Installer"
The file is then made up of page elements containing input elements.
The last page of the installer must be a Progress Page. If packaging the installer with the Ant task the antinstall-config.xml file can be validated.
When setting values, similar to Ant, ${} syntax can be used for default values and comments, see dynamic references.
To determin which pages are shown and which are ommitted, see Page displaying.

An example antinstall-config.xml file can be seen here.

The installer element is the root element of the config and has the following attributes.
Attribute Description Example
ui Indicates the supported installation modes from the following four values text, swing, swing-auto and text-auto. swing indicates the GUI can be shown, text means the commandline interface can be shown. -auto installs are silent installs that read the properties from a file, if available, instead of running the full UI. Ensure you understand the consequences before enabling -auto builds.
This attribute should be a comma separated list of values (whitespace is stripped).
swing,text, text-auto,swing-auto
loadDefaults This flag can be true, false or prompt. Indicates what AntInstaller should do if it finds existing properties in a file. false
verbose Print more info the the install log file and more info in the file. N.B. the properties file may not be written if the installer can not write to the current directory. true
debug Setting this flag prevents the temporary directory from being deleted on exit, this is useful for debugging install scripts. It should normally be set to false or ommited for a final installer. false
lookAndFeel The LookAndFeel class for the installer or one of the following special values.
  • "null" - The string "null" is used to set the default LookAndFeel determined by Java (no extra classes required)
  • "jgoodies" - Used to set the default LookAndFeel for AntInstaller org.tp23.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel (jgoodies-edited-1_2_2.jar or it contents must be on the classpath)
  • "native" - Used to set the native LookAndFeel for the runtime Operating System (no extra classes required)
  • "greymetal" - Used to set the cutdown MetalLookAndFeel included with AntInstaller. This is the same as MetalLookAndFeel with a grey theme and no bold fonts unless specified in the antinstall-config.xml file (no extra classes required)
If the lookAndFeel attribute is missing jgoodies is assumed. If the LookAndFeel can not be loaded a message will be added to the log file and the install will continue with the Java default.
name The name of the installer, this will appear in the title of the installer GUI window. My Installer
windowIcon This is the resource name of the icon for the installer window. It is a string that is used to load the resource from the classpath so the image must be in one of the jars on the classpath of the install start script. In the self installer it must be in the correct directory of the Jar. /resources/gkmain_inv.png
defaultImageResource This is the resource image used for the top of the installer GUI by default, it can be overridden for individual pages. /resources/greens.png
minJavaVersion The minimum Java version for the installer, this is supported as of AntInstaller 0.8beta do disable this feature remove the attribute. 1.4
finishButtonText The text displayed on the install button. If not specified, the default is "Install". This has been added since Antinstaller can be used as a GUI for other Ant builds, in which case "Build" would be more appropriate. Install
antialiased If this attribute is set to true and the LookAndFeel is org.tp23.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel or jgoodies the Swing GUI will render using Java 2D antialiasing for the text. This is resource intensive and may slow the GUI down unacceptably on older PCs, but does look better. false
wide If this attribute is set the width of the installer GUI can be configured. The format is [window-size]:[label-width] 600:275
version Defines a version for the installer, this attribute is optional and defaults to "0.0". However, if you want to support automatic installs (ui includes text-auto or swing-auto) this can be used to indicate that a new installer is not compatible with previous properties files. If a new installer for an application is developed that requires new properties increment the major version and old properties files will not be loaded. Increment the minor version if the properties are compatible but additional properties have been added and must be maually entered, text-auto and swing-auto builds will be forbidden.
If the new version of the installer is a compatible version with the properties file found, it will load without errors. No checking is done to ensure that this is logical. When delivering upgraded installers you should ensure that old properties file versions are compatible if you do not increment the version and support automatic installs.

Pages entries in the XML file represent a single window in the installer moved through by the user by selecting "Next >>" (or pressing enter) all pages have the following atributes.
Attribute Description Example
type The type of page one of four options, progress, license, splash or input. input
name A unique name for the page. User properties
displayText The text to be shown at the top of the page. Install Options
imageResource The image to be shown at the top of the page, overriding the defaultImageResource defined in the installer element. Install Options
target An ant target that will always be run from the build.xml file. This attribute is optional see the Target input type if you wish to show a targets that can be selected by the user. clean
overflow Setting this to true causes the Swing GUI to allow the page to extend past the normal height and for scrollbars to be shown when the page overflows. true

<page type="splash">
Displays a graphical image page in the Swing GUI
Attribute Description Example
splashResource The image resource used for the splash image. The resource must be available on the classpath at runtime. /resources/large-logo-image.png
altText Alternative text for the console mode Welcome to the installer app

<page type="text">
Displays an HTML page in swing and a text file in text mode.
Attribute Description Example
htmlResource The resource used for the html page. The resource must be available on the classpath at runtime.
The HTML support is that of the Swing JTextPane which is very basic. Embeded images and style sheets are refereced from the classpath. The following HTML will display an image from the classpath.
<img src="/resources/image.png">
Property values are expanded in the file if variables of the form ${} are found.
textResource Alternative text for the console mode.
Property values are expanded in the file if a variable of the form ${} are found.

<page type="license">
Shows a single license file in a scrollable window to the user.
Attribute Description Example
resource The license text file resource, must be on the classpath. /resources/GPL.txt
usePaging In text mode this parameter stops the scrolling of the license text at 20 lines, and provides options to view the next page or skip to the end. The default is false. true

<page type="input">
A page for adding input types listed below. An installer can have as many input pages as desired.
Attribute Description Example
ifTarget This page will be show if the named target has previously been selected. This can be used to conditionally show installation pages when certain parts of the build.xml script are to be run and not if they are to be omitted. documentation
ifProperty This page will be shown if the property has the correct value. This can be used to conditionally show installation pages when certain properties match The format of the property can be as simple as ${name}=value or can combine tests on multiple properties such as (${name}!=value) AND (${name2}^=value2). There must be no spaces and both the property and value are case sensitive. It is a good idea to use a select input type for the value since free text entered by the user is unlikely to match exactly in case and whitespace or use validated text fields. N.B. to run tasks based on properties consider the ant-contrib packages.
The new syntax allows for environment variable checks such as ${env.DISPLAY}=:0.0

N.B. the old syntax name=value does not work any more. It is not possible to place an = sign in a property name.
e.g. ${prop.col=back}=#0000FF will break the simple parser.

The following operators are supported:
  • = equals. not assignment as in Java
  • == equals same as above for those that wish to be specific
  • != not equals or null
  • $= ends with, the $ is used from regex for end of line
  • ^= starts with, again ^from regular expressions
  • += greater than, only for numbers
  • -= less than, only for numbers. The installer should validate to ensure the property is a valid number or exceptions will be thrown. The rather strange -= and += syntax is used because > and < must be escaped to &gt; and &lt; in XML attributes and the legibility of the configuration files would be impared.
  • !=null not null, the property must be specified. This is usefull for testing the existence of environment variable for example ${env.ANT_HOME}!=null. N.B. the empty string "" also tests to null, if a property exists in the config file it is possible for the user to set the value to null by erasing the text in a text entry type
  • ==null is null or empty

The following logical operators are supported when combining property tests:
  • AND
  • OR
If logical operators are being used, each simple test must be enclosed in parentheses.
It is probably a bad idea to use any character that is not a letter or number in a property name because these operators may be extended in the future
(${myFirstProperty}=6) OR (${mySecondProperty}+=12)
postDisplayTarget Post display targets are special Ant targets run after the page has been displayed. Certain rules apply see post display targets antinstaller-pagename

<page type="progress">
A page for showing the user the progress of the installation. This page contains the "Install" Button, so all installers should end with a progress page. Currently it is not checked that an installer ends with a progress page so the creator of the antinstall-config.xml should ensure it does.
showTargets When this flag is true, in the Swing GUI, a graphical representation of the targets being run and the dependent targets found is displayed. true

Input Types

Input types represent fields in which users can input values or make selections.
The input type element is also used to display text to the user. While there is no limit to the number of comments or text you can add in the config file, the GUI only has a limited amount of space. Check your config with your choosen Look And Feel to ensure that instructions are not cropped.
All input types accept the explanatoryText attribute, where multi-line comments can be added. The GUI has a fixed width available for the displayText attribute which often does not provide much space. Single line comments can be added with the comment type.
If anyone has a serious requirement to include more text that is currently possible post an RFE and I will look into tool tip popups or a scrollable text box or perhaps instructions that can launch in a help window. This has not been added yet since it is much more difficult to implement in the command line UI, and as yet we have no requirement.

The check box input is used for boolean input, a check box in the gui and a true false option on the command line.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file the value will be true or false.
displayText The text to be shown describing the option. Enable all security options
defaultValue The default for the check box. true
force Force the option selected to be the default value. This can be used to indicate that the option is required. For example, an installer could be delivered where "Enable all security options" is always selected. false

The comment input displays text to the user and does not accept any type of input.
Attribute Description Example
displayText The text to be shown describing the option. W
bold Display the comment in bold, in the GUI version. true
title Display the comment in a larger font in the GUI or in capitals in the command line. false

The directory input allows the user to select a directory.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file the value will be the absolute path to the directory.
displayText The text to be shown describing the option. Select an installation directory
defaultValue The default for the directory. Empty defaultValue is accepted as of version beta0.8 provided that create and checkExists are false. /var/log
defaultValueWin The default for the directory for windows installations. C:\Program Files\myapp
create If this is true and the directory entered does not exist the user will be asked if the directory should be created. true
checkExists If true the installation will not continue unless the directory selected exists. The user will have to select a directory that does exist, create it or cancel the install. If create is true and the directory does not exist the user simply has to agree to have the directory created. false

The directory input allows the user to select a directory. The existence of files is then checked during validation to ensure the user has selected the correct directory. This can be used so a user can select the installation directory of a previously installed application. The directory can then be validated against 2 known files and 2 known directories that should exist.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file the value will be the absolute path to the directory.
displayText The text to be shown describing the option. Select an installation directory
defaultValue The default for the directory. /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1
defaultValueWin The default for the directory for windows installations. C:\Program Files\Existing Application
checkFile1 The relative path of a file based on the user selected directory. When the installer is run this file will be checked to see if it exists (optional). conf/server.xml
checkFile2 A second file to check (optional). conf/server.xml
checkDir1 The relative path of a directory based on the user selected directory (optional). webapps
checkDir2 A second directory to check (optional). conf

The file input allows the user to select a file
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file the value will be the absolute path to the file.
displayText The text to be shown describing the option. Select the weblogic configuration file
defaultValue The default for the file. /var/log
defaultValueWin The default for the file when installing on windows. C:\log
checkExists If true the installation will not continue unless the file selected exists. The user will have to select a file that does exist, create the file or cancel the install. If you want to create the file during the install if it does not exist use Ant. false

The select input allows the user to select from a list of options. This will be represented as a group of radio buttons or a numbered list on the command line. An input type of select should have at least two child elements called <option> with the attributes text and value. The text is displayed next to the option and the value is the value set into the property.
N.B. the defaultValue should be blank or one of the values in one of the options. This is not checked by AntInstaller but is a requirement, there are no guarantees if you don't RTFM.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file. The value will be the text of one of the option value attributes.
displayText The text to be shown describing the options available. Select your favorite colour
defaultValue The default for the option this should match one of the options values. #FF0000

The target-select input allows the user to select targets from a list of options. This will be represented as a group of radio buttons or a numbered list on the command line. This input type is almost identical to the select input type but the value as well as being recorded as a property is set as a target.
An input type of target-select should have at least two child elements called <option> with the attributes text and value. The text is displayed next to the option and the value is the target to be run (and the value set into the property). N.B. the defaultValue should be blank or one of the values in one of the options. This is not checked by AntInstaller at runtime but is a requirement, there are no guarantees if you don't RTFM. You should use the checkConfig script to validate the config.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file. The value will be the text of one of the option value attributes and will be the target that is run.
displayText The text to be shown describing the options available. Select your favorite colour
defaultValue The default for the option this should match one of the options values. fulldocs

The large select has identical options to the select input above. Large select enables the list of options to be greater and is displayed differently. In the Swing GUI the options are rendered as a drop-down list. In the text/console UI the options are shown to the user 20 lines at a time.

The target input shows a check box, if the user selects the target the Ant target will be run when the installation starts. The order of the targets in the list is significant, and the targets will be run in that order. If there is more than one Page with target entry types or there is a page with a target attribute the targets will be run in the order they appear in the config file.
Attribute Description Example
target The name of the target to be run it must exist in the build.xml file delivered with the install. installSource
displayText The text to be shown describing the options available. Do you want to install the source code.
defaultValue true or false, determines if the check box is selected by default. true
force If true the checkbox will not be editable and will be set to the value in the defaultValue attribute. This can be used to indicate that installing this component is not optional. false
osSpecific If the osSpecific flag is set the Operating System of the current system will be appended to the name of the target actually run by Ant so that different targets can be run according to the final deployment platform. This feature goes against the principles of building cross platform installers, but is provided so that common installer tasks such as creating icons and shortcuts can be run using the platform specific executables. false
strict Currently there are two modes for OS specific targets strict and not strict (lax).
Strict target will return the target name plus the exact String in the System Property "" this means you will have to provide targets for every possible OS version. See this page for a list of possible values. There are a great many but you may not want to consider some of the options.

Lax target will return one of the following strings only
  • "[target-name]-linux" - Linux
  • "[target-name]-mac" - Mac OS and Mac OS X
  • "[target-name]-sun" - SunOS and Solaris
  • "[target-name]-win" - Windows
  • "[target-name]-other" - any thing else
so you only have to create 5 ant targets to support all the cases. It is pretty hard to support windows bit with this system, if anyone needs to specifically support this and does not want to use the existing strict mechanism, get in touch. JDK1.4 on Win16 boxes strikes me as an unlikely combination ;)

An text input entry is a field into which the user can write any text (or no text).
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file, the value will be the text entered by the user.
displayText The text to be shown describing the text to be entered. Enter your name
defaultValue The default value if the user enters no text or displayed as a default in the GUI. ${}

A validated text input entry is a text field into which the user can write any text but the installation will not continue unless the text entered matches a regular expression provided.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file, the value will be the text entered by the user. server.url
displayText The text to be shown describing the text to be entered. Enter your name
defaultValue The default value if the user enters no text, this should be valid according to the regular expression. true
regex The regular expression used to validate the text, the whole regex should match the text entered. ^[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$

An externally validated text input entry is a text field into which the user can write any text but the installation will not continue unless the text entered passes a validation function. The validation function is not part of AntInstaller, a fully qualified classname (that is on the classpath at runtime) is specified which AntInstaller executes to validate. One instance will be created per input element which should conform to the interface org.tp23.antinstaller.input.Validator.
This feature is not tested but does provide flexibility in validating input, if you use this feature please report back you results (success or failures) to the AntInstaller project pages. We wish to discuss integrating external validation into the Localization of the installers (when it happens) with active users of this feature.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file, the value will be the text entered by the user. server.url
displayText The text to be shown describing the text to be entered. Choose an open network port
defaultValue The default value if the user enters no text, this should be valid according to the external validator. true
validationClass The class used as a Validator

A text input entry that must be a valid date. The dateformat string must be compatible with java.text.SimpleDateformat By default the format is english dates dd/MM/yyyy but can be changed to any valid format. If the date field is used in an installer it is not possible to enter blank dates.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the file, the value will be the date entered by the user.
displayText The text to be shown describing the date to be entered. Enter your name
defaultValue The default value if the user enters no text, this should be valid according to the date format. Alternatively the String TODAY may be entered and the default value will be the time the installer is run. true
dateFormat The expression used to create the DateFormat. dd-MM-yy

A password text input is identical to a validated text input except that the display does not echo in the Swing Version (If anyone knows how to prevent the console echoing please get in touch) This password field is VERY INSECURE so dont blame me.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be sent to Ant the password will not feature in file, the value will be the text entered by the user. If the installer is in verbose mode the properties file will contain the property name but not the value entered by the user.
displayText The text to be shown describing the password to be entered. Enter password
defaultValue The default value if the user enters no text, this should be valid according to the regular expression. This will be shown as an example if the user enters an invalid password. pa55word
regex The regular expression used to validate the text, the whole regex should match the text entered. ^[a-zA-Z_0-9]{8}$
textMask When set to true an attempt is made to hide the password on the command line. This feature is optional and has not been tested on different platforms. It is a pure Java solution using a masking thread so there is a theoretical requirement for some CPU head room to function correctly. It does not work where \r is not supported for example the eclipse console.

see SUN's proposed solution
see also, the embarrasing bug report on SUNs site
see also, Ant's bug report

A confirm password input is identical to a password input except that to validate correctly a password field on the same page with the property name specified in the origField attribute.
Attribute Description Example
origField There must be a password field with its property set to this value on the same page.
displayText The text to be shown describing the password to be entered. Confirm password
defaultValue The default value if the user enters no text, this should be valid according to the regular expression. This will be shown as an example if the user enters an invalid password. pa55word
regex The regular expression used to validate the text, the whole regex should match the text entered. ^[a-zA-Z_0-9]{8}$
textMask When set to true an attempt is made to hide the password on the command line. This feature is optional and has not been tested on different platforms. It is a pure Java solution using a masking thread so there is a theoretical requirement for some CPU head room to function correctly. It does not work where \r is not supported for example the eclipse console.

see SUN's proposed solution
see also, the embarrasing bug report on SUNs site
see also, Ant's bug report

Hidden Elements

Hidden elements are those elements of pages which are not displayed to the user, but which can be used to set properties and apply conditional logic.

The conditional element allows the conditional execution of a nested element. Currently, only <hidden> elements may be nested within a conditional block. This can be useful for initialising properties or default values based on other user selections
Attribute Description Example
ifProperty The nested hidden element(s) will be evaluated if the property has the correct value. This can be used to conditionally set properties when certain other properties match specific values. The format of the property can be as simple as ${name}=value or can combine tests on multiple properties such as (${name}!=value) AND (${name2}^=value2). There must be no spaces and both the property and value are case sensitive. See the ifProperty description for details of the comarisons supported. (${prop1}=1) OR (${prop2}=${prop3})

The hidden element allows a property to be set by virtue of the page being displayed or, when nested within a conditional block, if the condition is true. This can be useful for initialising properties or default values based on other user selections.
Attribute Description Example
property The name of the property to be set in the
value The value to which the property will be set myvalue

To edit the antinstall-config.xml file with the above properties a good XML editor is recommended. A DTD exists to aid debugging this file. Add the following doctype to enable validation <!DOCTYPE installer PUBLIC "-//tp23 //DTD Ant Installer Config//EN" ""> If you find errors in the DTD please report them.


Once the antinstall-config.xml file is created you need to create an Ant build.xml file with targets that match the targets available in the install config. The build.xml file is out of scope of this document. The Ant documentation is avaliable at the following URL.
There are many tools to help you create these files, for example, eclipse has built in support.

There are some recomendations for the build.xml file to be used inside an installer. Start scripts

It is recommended to run create installers as self extracting jars, but it is possible to run the installer from scripts as a normal Java application. Create a new directory and prepare the files as you would for a normal Ant build. You can include the and install.cmd files from the demo app to launch the installer. These scripts can be launched in a GUI by double clicking on them, but they will require editing to set your classpath and resources correctly.
The main class (org.tp23.antinstaller.runtime.ExecInstall) that starts the installer takes two parameters on the command line which should be set in the start script.
The first is the default GUI mode (either swing or text).
The second is the Ant basedir and typically it should be just "." the current directory. This directory will be the basedir of the ant script no matter what it says in the build.xml file.
The Ant runner currently passes the directory called antlib in which you can add any Ant optional jars to get them to auto load. You can also load them on classpath of the install scripts.

Self Extracting Jars

There is a mechanism to create a self extracting Jar where the entire installer, all requried Java code, and the resources to install can be packaged into a single Jar. The Jar is launched by double clicking on it (if the .jar extension is registered properly by Java) or by calling the command java -jar [jar_name].jar.
In windows if the extension .jar has been re-registered (e.g. to open with winzip) right clicking on the jar and selecting Open With then javaw will also run the installer.
Packaging a self extracting jar can be achieved with Ant. See Installer Ant Task to automate creation of SelfExtracting jars.

When the isntaller is run all the contents of the jar will be extracted to a temporary directory on the users machine. This temporary directoy is the base directory for the Ant build when run. The build.xml file should not include any relative file references. The ${basedir} property is required since the file is excracted a new empty temporary directory that is not know when the build.xml file is being written. This directory will be the value of ${basedir} when the installer is run. If packagine the self extractor manually without using the AntInstaller task the main class should be set in the manifest.
Here is an example MANIFEST.MF file.
Manifest-Version: 1.0 
Main-Class: org.tp23.antinstaller.selfextract.SelfExtractor
Look-And-Feel: org.tp23.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel
The Look And Feel is also required in the MANIFEST.MF file since the autoextract code shows a progress bar using Swing. The value should be the same Look And Feel used in the main Swing GUI specified in the installer element of antinstall-config.xml. If not, ensure the main Look And Feel fully supports updating the UI, not LAFs all do.

If a resource is included called /resources/extract-image.png it will be displayed during the extraction process. You can remove the image from the classpath if you don't like it or change it to any other png image of the same size.
example extract image

Non Extracting Jars

As of version 0.7.2 a feature has been added to load the installer without having to extract any files until the Ant build is run. This has the advantage of not having to unjar AntInstaller itself or its dependencies such as Ant and the look and feel. See Installer Ant Task to automate creation of NonExtracting jars.

If you are manually packaging the Jar in order to specify that the NonExtractor should be used the Jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file should specify org.tp23.antinstaller.selfextract.NonExtractor. Since the NonExtractor does not need to show the progress bar for the extraction no look and feel is required in the manifest. An example META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: org.tp23.antinstaller.selfextract.NonExtractor
The NonExctractor still creates temporary space on the deployment system and still sets the ${basedir} to this space. The build.xml file and the antinstall-config.xml are read from inside the Jar and all properties are passed directly to Ant. The properties file is still readable for debuging installers. In order to access and extract resources inside the Jar the unzip or unjar Ant tasks should be used. In order to identify the Jar file in teh build.xml file a new property has been added ${antinstaller.jar}. The following example extracts a file called into the temporary directory (from there it could be unzipped to the deployment directory)
<unzip src="${antinstaller.jar}" dest="${basedir}">
		<include name=""/>
A more likely example is to unzip all the files in your application to the installation directory selected by the user.
<unzip src="${antinstaller.jar}" dest="${my.installation.dir}">
		<include name="bin/*"/>
		<include name="classes/*"/>
		<include name="help/*"/>
		<include name="doc/*"/>
Remember all the classes for AntInstaller need to be in the root of the Jar for the JVM to find them when the Jar is first loaded so it is probably best to put all the deployable resources in a subdirectory inside the Jar This will prevent name clashes with the Jars contents which are in the org, META-INF and resources directories.

Dynamic References

As of version beta 0.5 in certain circumstances the default values of input fields can be based on existing properties. To reference collected input values use the Ant property syntax ${property.reference}. References can be mixed with normal text as in Ant.
For example,
  displayText="Enter the installation directory"
  defaultValueWin="C:\Program Files\${}"
As of version beta 0.7 the default values of input fields can be based on environment variables. To reference collected input values use the normal Ant syntax ${env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE}.
The prefix is always env. since this is not set with an Ant <property> task, it is part of the AntInstaller runtime. The results will be identical to <property environment="env."> since AntInstaller make direct calls to the Ant APIs.
The environment is NOT added by default to the build.xml or the installer when Ant runs, if you need the environment in the build.xml file call it in the usual way Also the java system properties are included prefixed by "java.". For example, ${} returns the user currently running the installer.

Dynamic references can use nested property values. For example, if the value of ${target.server} is tomcat, the following syntax can be used to set the default value of an input property to be the value of ${tomcat.default.http.port}
	displayText="HTTP port:"

Dynamic references have the following limitations

Page Displaying

It is a common requirement to have a few options at the start of the installer and only show certain other pages if the user selected one of the initial options. For example, an option to install the source code, if the user is going to install the source code show a page with options to decide where to put the code, the documents and perhaps a checkbox if icons for the documents should be created. This page should not be shown to people who are not installing the source code. Two mechanism are available to achieve this.

The first mechanism is to use a target input on a previous page and then add ifTarget attributes to the subsequent page elements. The second mechanism uses the ifProperty attribute to conditionally show pages based on the existence or value of properties. Since both the System Properties from Java and the users environment variables are available as properties it is now possible to base pages on the existence of certain properties for example if CATALINA_HOME is set it is a safe bet the user already has tomcat installed. Also if ProgramFiles is present it is probably a windows system. N.B. for more a more accurate way to run tasks based on the operating system of the user the target tag has been enhanced to run osSpecific targets. See the ifProperty attribute of the InputPage type.
